From my desk to your door...
A question I’ve been asked thousands of times by sellers is not a simple one. The question is “When is the best time to sell my property?” The answer starts with you. Are you motivated? Is your job requiring you move or expand your current home to accommodate working remotely? Are you having triplets after the twins? Are your youngest children interviewing for their first “real” jobs? Are you ready for one-level living and a smaller lawn and garden area to maintain? Is Granny moving in with you? When you are ready for a move, the next question is usually, “How much is my property worth?” None of us in the real estate business can guarantee what your property will bring on the market, and not all of us have as much experience and wherewithal as others. What we can do, and what I believe I do well, is provide you with data, with facts that inform you of what the market is doing at this time. And this time of year, typically, is the best time of year to sell. If you are thinking of selling, give me a call or send me an email. I’ll do what I know best, which is to listen to you, to listen to your wants and needs, and to supply you with information and expertise to help you make your move a smart one, when you find it the best time.
"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you figure out why.”
Mark Twain